is your Family Chiropractor?
Most likely you have a family dentist,
a family pediatrician, a family physician, etc.
to take care of your teeth, children and medical
conditions but what about your spine and nervous
system. Chiropractors care about your spine and
nerves and what can happen if problems are left
untreated. Nerves control all of your body functions
and if your spinal joints are not moving properly,
premature degeneration of the joints and discs can
occur. Everyone should have a family chiropractor
in order to stay healthy and keep their loved ones
healthy as well.
is an Adjustment?
A gentle, carefully placed thrust
which improves spinal motion. The chiropractor usually
delivers the adjustment by hand. The purpose of
the adjustment is to correct areas of the spine
that have lost the normal movement patterns.
the Adjustment Hurt?
Most chiropractic adjustments are
not only painless, but they actually feel great
and relieving.
I Get Chiropractic Treatment While I am Pregnant?
Yes, chiropractic care is very important
when women are pregnant in order to prevent back
pain, sciatica, back labor and to provide for an
easier delivery.
There a Minimum or Maximum Age for a Person to Receive
Chiropractic Care?
There is no age excluded from chiropractic
is Necessary to Get the Best Results?
The way to get the best response
to care and treatment is to follow recommendations,
have good posture with standing, sitting and sleeping,
get proper exercise, eat a proper diet and have
a positive mental attitude. Getting healthy involves
a joint effort of chiropractic care in the office
and your personal home care program. Health is a
lifestyle and something that we have to work at
most of our lives. We cannot abuse our bodies for
years and then all of a sudden expect to change
things overnight.
I Need a Referral from my Medical Doctor to go to
a Chiropractor?
Doctors of Chiropractic are primary
health care providers, meaning that no referral
from a medical doctor is needed to see a chiropractor.
Chiropractors receive thousands of hours of training
in diagnosis, pathology, radiology, and all basic
health sciences that medical doctors receive. You
are in good hands when you enter our office. We
do accept referrals from many medical providers
in our local area.
Have Insurance Coverage. Do You Accept Insurances?
Our office accepts most major insurances.
However, your coverage of may differ depending on
the insurance plan you have signed up with. When
you come into the office, we will get the needed
information from you and verify your insurance coverage.
you have any further question or to make an appointment
today, please call our office at (209) 383-3090